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thoughts on life, some significant and some not so much...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


We're reading Matthew this week for our LTG...this morning the sermon on the mount kicked off my reading time.

After reading it I have been faced with two choices:

1. Beat myself up for not measuring up to all that Jesus describes in those chapters...

2. Rest in Him all the more knowing that I won't ever measure up but that more of Him means less of me...

I have been struggling with #1 today...yet reading those passages should make me realize how ludicrous it is for me to think that I actually can measure up. Satan knows that our human weakness is that we don't like to be weak...he uses our hatred of our own weakness against us making us think we're better off not admitting our weaknesses...

Jesus, I need you...when confronted with You I see that I am desparate...I am desparate for Your yoke, for Your burden...You say in Your word that it is easy and light...I need that right now
Help me remember that my flesh is weak, that I have no righteousness of my own, that somehow you have come here and rescued me from myself.

Rescue has come, is come, and is coming...

Sunday, August 27, 2006


We went there a few times over the summer, but I haven't played there since the beginning of June. I had pretty much just written off the place when they called me out of the blue this week and asked if I wanted to come back and play for them on a regular basis. No pay...just an open case for panhandling, not that it is anything about money, but I'm looking forward to getting back there. Sara and I have felt a pull to that place for quite some time and it seems that just about every time we start to wonder if we're really supposed invest any time there something like this happens to re-confirm that it is a place with fertile soil that needs the light of God.

I'll be there this Friday night Sept. 1st from 9-11pm...I think I'll add some Dylan to the set list.

We confirmed that on Sept 16th we'll be up at Rick's in Northwood. We have to sell tickets($5 I think) and there are supposed to be 3 other bands there. Ask me about it if you feel like going and have $5 to waste.

The LTG has been going extremely well. We started a couple of weeks ago and not everyone got the reading done on that first week, but things are moving ahead on pace now and everyone is committed to putting the time into the readings. I have been able to continue getting up early even since school has started again to get my reading in before work and that has been very good. There is definitely some openness happening with us and I look forward to where it goes from here. My neighbor has joined us too in the readings, so we're just trying to figure out how and when we can meet together because of some scheduling conflicts. I imagine we'll become two groups of 2 here pretty soon, but we thought it would be good to meet for at least a little while with all 4 of us just to acclimate ourselves to this first and get into somewhat of a rhythm.

Life is good...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


the band has a myspace page now...we must be in the big time now...

Exit 179's my space

Dan's daughter set it up for us and I put one of the newer songs we recorded on there so take a listen if you feel like it.

We might be playing at Rick's Music Cafe in Northwood on Sept 16th if all works out...I have to confirm with him soon. We'll need anyone who's able to come up and see us so we can make a good impression. I think we'll be "opening" for a few other bands that night, so we'll see how that goes.

School started this week...I'm ready for the weekend...

Monday, August 14, 2006


i've still been working in the barn...I would say that 3/4 of it is now framed and insulated on the lower level. There is an end in sight...and still plenty of 2x4's and insulation to go around...hint...hint...

I read on Kerri's blog that Eric and Riley went to see Bob Dylan in concert...I can't even begin to tell you the level of jealousy that arose in me after reading that...that would have been the the cat's meow...or the shiznit as the kids these days say...most days while I'm working in the barn I have disc one of "The Essential Bob Dylan" in the player and right now I'm all ate up with my friend Dan would say.

Also, I scored a foosball table for the barn from Mike and June...thanks guys...I hope it will get to eves drop in on many hours of conversation in the days to come.

We've had two gigs this month already and things are going pretty well. We played 24 songs for the Global Connections "barn dance" this past weekend, so our set list is beginning to finally grow a bit. People seemed to really enjoy it, the line dancing was pretty good and the students were all having a blast.
Our previous gig was for a party and while there a woman approached us about possibly playing for her daughters wedding next fall. WHAT!!!????? Are you serious...what in the ^&%$&#@%$ are we going to do at a wedding reception? We'll see if anything every comes of that, I don't think we'd have the set list required for a reception...we don't even know the "chicken dance" or the "hokey pokey"...

We should be lining up a gig at Rick's music cafe in Northwood in either September or October. I'll let you know when that comes to pass in case anyone out there wants to come and see us.

We'll be going back to school next week...I'm ready and I'm not...all at the same time...

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Our faith community met today and it was awesome...

People had stories about where they have been "sent." Relationships are continuing to develop with people around us and I am excited to see where they go.

People shared what they had been reading and chewing on this week...scripture and otherwise...powerful...questions were asked...we encouraged and challended each other. It was what I needed today...I needed to experience the body of Christ being the body. Thank you to our faith community...we love you

We talked at one point about II Corinthians 4:4 and the "veil" that is over the eyes of those who don't believe. The enemy himself has covered their eyes so they can't see the glory of the One who came to seek and save the lost. I was convicted about not praying specifically for this veil to be lifted so they might see. We have been given all power and authority in heaven to bind and loose everything there is in heaven, on earth and under the earth. Why then don't we exercise that authority? I have been so focused on allowing Christ to live His life in me that I have neglected the very thing that will allow the blinded eyes to see the Jesus that is in me.

Thank you Jesus, for showing me again this week that I have no me to continue to die daily to my flesh...moment by moment...thank you for reminding me that my old nature has been crucified with Christ and that it is no longer I that live but You in me.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


For anyone that's been reading the comments on my last post let me please say this.

We are experiencing something now that we haven't experienced before. It works for us and the people we are meeting along the way. We are excited about that and want other people to experience the fullness of life we have found on this journey.

This however doesn't mean that we are right and everyone else is wrong, or vice versa...

The body of Christ is His church in all of its various expressions and forms. I will continue to point out things about the church that I think could be improved upon or made more effective including things about simple/organic church. It's a dangerous place to be when we think we're doing everything right ...I don't think I'm there and I hope I don't come across as such. I apologize if I have come across that way. All of this comes out of a desire to see God’s church become all that He has intended it to be.
I admit that part of my reaction is out of defense of this way of life we have been called to. What we’re doing seems to have received very little acceptance as a legitimate expression of the church today, yet that shouldn‘t bother me. I know I don’t need the approval of men and I'm sorry for my defensive nature...I don’t need to prove the worth of this and sometimes I forget that. At the same time though, all of the above doesn’t negate the need for us to challenge each other and push for further clarification on issues as this will only make us seek for truth all the more.

My hope is that we can accept the diversity of the church and learn from each other. We all, as the body of Christ, have something to offer for the edification of this body we are all part of. It isn’t as much about being “right” or “wrong” as it is about being able to admit that we may not be right about everything. That is the beginning of growth...if we’re never wrong, then what growth can there be?