Good news
THE BARN IS DONE...well, at least the siding is done. I'm thanking Jesus and my friends for helping me get it all done. Now I can get back to the finishing off of the inside. Framing and insulating has been coming along, but there's plenty more to do before it is ready for heating this winter. If you're ever bored and need something to do, I've got plenty of 2x4's and insulation to go around.
I'm still reading organic church and there have been some good things in there.
Scott and I were talking about how difficult we have made the "discipleship" process in the western church. We feel responsible for the growth of new believers and that somehow it is our job to get them to grow. We have two jobs as outlined in scripture...sowing and reaping...yet we gear most of our energy to the "growing" aspect of the process. God's job through the Holy Spirit it the growth of a believer, we are to plant seed and harvest the crop. If we would concentrate more on sowing and less on "Growing" maybe we would actually have something to reap.
As we were talking I said that it was through other people's stories that I have been "discipled" most in the past several years. The blogosphere is where I have seen these things lived out and where I observed people following Jesus in a way I hadn't seen before. By simply eves dropping in on others on this journey is how the Holy Spirit has been doing the growing in me. The people that have been discipling me didn't even know that they were. Scott remarked, "so it's just living the life and telling your story" was an ahh-haa moment for us that night. We've been asking the wrong questions about all of this...I feel like we're finally onto something simple, powerful, and easily reproducible.
The power of the Gospel is transformed people...obviously the greatest asset to us are the stories of these transformed lives.
I'm still reading organic church and there have been some good things in there.
There are two closely related sins we need to repent of in the Western church. We need to repent of underestimating what God can do through a new believer. Second, we need to repent of overestimating our own value in helping new converts grow and become strong believers. The real sting in these assumptions is that we think we are better able to help people than the Holy Spirit Himself is. We end up creating a sense of dependency on human help rather than on the Holy Spirit--the divine Helper--and this is prevalent in all the church does today.
Scott and I were talking about how difficult we have made the "discipleship" process in the western church. We feel responsible for the growth of new believers and that somehow it is our job to get them to grow. We have two jobs as outlined in scripture...sowing and reaping...yet we gear most of our energy to the "growing" aspect of the process. God's job through the Holy Spirit it the growth of a believer, we are to plant seed and harvest the crop. If we would concentrate more on sowing and less on "Growing" maybe we would actually have something to reap.
As we were talking I said that it was through other people's stories that I have been "discipled" most in the past several years. The blogosphere is where I have seen these things lived out and where I observed people following Jesus in a way I hadn't seen before. By simply eves dropping in on others on this journey is how the Holy Spirit has been doing the growing in me. The people that have been discipling me didn't even know that they were. Scott remarked, "so it's just living the life and telling your story" was an ahh-haa moment for us that night. We've been asking the wrong questions about all of this...I feel like we're finally onto something simple, powerful, and easily reproducible.
The power of the Gospel is transformed people...obviously the greatest asset to us are the stories of these transformed lives.