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Wolfgang was comparing the kingdoms of this world(our culture)and of God as two separate magnetic fields. He brough up the imagery from science class where you have iron filings near the magnet and you can see the patterns that result. This is what he had to say about it...
some thoughts...
Religious magnetic re-alignment says:
I don't drink
I don't smoke
I don't see R-rated movies
I don't cuss
I don't hang out with anyone who does those things
I will read my bible everyday
I will pray everyday
I will think I've earned my salvation...that somehow I'm better than the average joe
and yet for the average church goer, asside from the above list, there is no discernable difference between them and anyone else in their neighborhood.
Kingdom magnetic re-alignment says, in the power given by the blood of Jesus:
I will love people, whatever it costs me
I will not judge those that think differently than me
I will try to give away more than I take
I don't deserve what I have
I will abide with Jesus and He with me moment by moment
I will allow Christ to live out His own wants and desires in me
I thought at one point in my life that I was pretty good...I thought I had this Christianity thing pretty much wrapped up and ready to market. I knew what to do and what not to do to ensure that I would make it. I knew that I was saved by grace, not by works, I was tought that, I read that, I understood that(or so I thought), for cryin' out loug I even taught it to others...
but what I observed in the church was that I needed to be good enough, to do enough, to cross my t's and dot my j's , was by grace, but only if I did "my part"...I was a slave to the law...especially man's law...if I dropped the ball then the whole thing was over...I lost out...there was no grace for that...there was only grace for me when I did all the right things...grace was found through the law...or so it seemed...grace was contingent upon my that really grace at all?
I'm not sure why the church teaches one grace and lives under some other kind of distorted grace. I guess the kind of grace I thought God had for me was the kind I saw demonstrated to those around me and myself. More judgment and condemnation than grace... I guess I didn't see much grace lived out...maybe that was the problem...I never saw it...or if I did it was considered "soft on sin"
I don't know...but what I do know is that I can't ever go back to that distorted view of grace...
Jesus, thank your for revealing yourself to me in the fullness of your in me...through me...that I was continue to die and you would continue to live.
The kingdom of God, in this picture, brings a completely different dimension to this set-up. A new, very powerful magnet, so to speak, is lowered from heaven to earth, creating its own magnetic field and influence, and changing the way people think, act and behave. Ultimately, some or many human iron filings change their magnetic allegiance and arrange themselves into this new magnetic field of the Kingdom of God. This causes no small confusion, since the two magnetic systems--the'patterns of this world' and the Kingdom of God--are not the same, and pull people in opposite directions, arranging them in very different patterns. Even the very pattern of people's lives, therefore, has an in-built message: it simply and clearly says to which system you belong. Thus, the very lifetsyle of Chirstians becomes a battle-cry, and may be the real down-to-earth arena of what we may call 'spiritual warfare'.
some thoughts...
Religious magnetic re-alignment says:
I don't drink
I don't smoke
I don't see R-rated movies
I don't cuss
I don't hang out with anyone who does those things
I will read my bible everyday
I will pray everyday
I will think I've earned my salvation...that somehow I'm better than the average joe
and yet for the average church goer, asside from the above list, there is no discernable difference between them and anyone else in their neighborhood.
Kingdom magnetic re-alignment says, in the power given by the blood of Jesus:
I will love people, whatever it costs me
I will not judge those that think differently than me
I will try to give away more than I take
I don't deserve what I have
I will abide with Jesus and He with me moment by moment
I will allow Christ to live out His own wants and desires in me
I thought at one point in my life that I was pretty good...I thought I had this Christianity thing pretty much wrapped up and ready to market. I knew what to do and what not to do to ensure that I would make it. I knew that I was saved by grace, not by works, I was tought that, I read that, I understood that(or so I thought), for cryin' out loug I even taught it to others...
but what I observed in the church was that I needed to be good enough, to do enough, to cross my t's and dot my j's , was by grace, but only if I did "my part"...I was a slave to the law...especially man's law...if I dropped the ball then the whole thing was over...I lost out...there was no grace for that...there was only grace for me when I did all the right things...grace was found through the law...or so it seemed...grace was contingent upon my that really grace at all?
I'm not sure why the church teaches one grace and lives under some other kind of distorted grace. I guess the kind of grace I thought God had for me was the kind I saw demonstrated to those around me and myself. More judgment and condemnation than grace... I guess I didn't see much grace lived out...maybe that was the problem...I never saw it...or if I did it was considered "soft on sin"
I don't know...but what I do know is that I can't ever go back to that distorted view of grace...
Jesus, thank your for revealing yourself to me in the fullness of your in me...through me...that I was continue to die and you would continue to live.