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thoughts on life, some significant and some not so much...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Brain Trust

I had to post this was at Danielle and Erica's and I call it the "brain trust"

We'll be gathering again tomorrow to practice being the church together...should be exciting. We had to move the next two weeks to Friday because of a conflict this week and then Christmas the next week. I'm excited to see this develop. We're still doing the common meal gathering on Tuesdays life together is our goal in all of this, but we still are so "independent" and "individualistic" that sometimes it seems that we may never really depend on each other.

Took Macee sledding tonight again with Mike and Madison...had another good time. We ran into another neighbor, Bob, while we were there. I mentioned to him again about a possible poker night and he seemed to be interested...I just need to plan one and let 'er rip. Mike has been a life saver the past couple of days with his tractor and snow blade. He has saved me several hours of work...wheeeeww...

I'll be at Cosmos on Sat. again from 7-9ish...come out and have some Java.

Monday, December 12, 2005


Last night was our first "house church" gathering...We just sat around and shared our stories about who we were and where we had come from. It was rich to hear where people are and how ready they are for something more...deeper...real...

I read the end of Acts 2 and we discussed how what is being described in that passage isn't being lived out today here in the western church. Sara and I just shared that we believe we should be moving closer to the picture created by that passage. Everyone seemed to agree and we had some more discussion to that was good

We headed out afterwards to Danielle and Erica's place. They were having an open house for their neighborhood. It was pretty awesome to see so many people come out for that. It is clear that people are tired of anonymity, tired of isolation, tired of being independent...of being unknown...

Thank you Jesus for showing us our need for you and our need to be in community with others...I pray that we will continue to grow more dependent on both as we push ahead on this journey.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

long time, short post...ok longer than I thought

Just thought I would post tonight...seems like it's been forever...

Currently struggling with where I fit into God's kingdom specifically as it relates to house churches and music. Those are two separate things, not music "in" house churches...

Been handing out free copies of the six song demo that's recently been finished...have had some good feedback...
Currently the question is what do we do with it?

Been working on some new "acoustic" tunes here at home that I hope to add to the six song collection. May not be worth much but maybe someone will be able to connect with God through the music...that'll be worth it.

Bought a new acoustic...need to sell one now...I wanted one with a brighter sound for recording...great deal...really need to get rid of the Takamine...anyone interested or shall I ebay it?

We'll be starting a house church this week...number wise, it sounds like we'll need to multiply before we even start...pray for willing leaders...pray for people that don't know Jesus.

My sister is currently in labor with her first child...pray for her and my brother-in-law...they've been waiting a long time for this moment. They will be great parents and I can't wait to meet the little one(we still don't know if it's a boy or girl)

Macee has had 3 cavities filled in the past week. One last week and 2 today...she was a very brave little girl...we are proud of her. The dentist says she has no enamel on her teeth as a result of her being so pre-mature(I don't know what that has to do with it, but that was he said), so she is very likely to have problems with her baby teeth.

Anyway...Jesus, thank you for life...for family, for friends. Help me to be your disciple wherever I find myself.