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thoughts on life, some significant and some not so much...

Thursday, March 31, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, March 25, 2005

Hit and miss

Seems I've been much more miss than hit lately. I am actually still at the church building working on some things for tomorrows community "Good Friday" service that we are hosting at our building. I don't normally have to enter all of the media into our projection computer, just the songs...but this time I am doing it all because our main tech is working tomorrow. It gives me a new appreciation for the help I have doing the things I am supposed to do.

While working away up here in the booth, I thought I would break away to the blogosphere for a few mintues and check a few blogs. Our friends Eric and Kerri are awesome people and I love to eves drop in on their lives through their blogs...I guess I'm just a voyer at heart, but I needed what they had been sharing the past couple of days. So thanks guys for giving me that bit of perspective I needed that at this point. You are an encouragement
I am just sitting here hoping that all of this working on "church" stuff doesn't keep me from remembering what I should be should really be thinking about these next several days.

There is a lot bouncing around up stairs right now. I'm not sure I can put any of it down in words that make any sense. I have this strange sense of pregnant expectation like something is going to happen soon...something that I am not really expecting...I don't know. I've really been contemplating what my role is in the church...big C and little c church(what's new there) and where I am supposed to be working. Stay in teaching or get out and do something else, work less and enjoy life and relationships more.

Lord, make me who You want me to be...You point and I'll go...continue to purge me of the stuff I sometimes hold onto too tightly...
Thank you for grace...

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Out of the fog

The good news is I think I'm coming out of this fog or desert I've been in...the bad news is that while there I did a pretty good job of making myself miserable and in turn those around me at times too.

I had begun to digress to the point that I was my same old self...not relying on Christ to supply the love I am to have for those around me, but trying to muster enough of it in myself to get the job done.
End result...Bad idea, I don't recomend that way of living to anyone...I thought I gave that up a couple of years ago, but it reared its ugly head again and jumped in with both feet. I pretty much suck at loving others as most of humanity does...but I think I may have an extra propensity toward selfishness that puts me over the top sometimes.

Pray for Sara, she's not feeling the greatest and I think may be coming down with the flu/cold that seems to be going around pretty heavily right now. Macee has also had a cough for the past couple of weeks that just won't go away. That makes us a little uneasy considering all of the problems she's had in the past.

On a positive note...the motorcycle sold, finally I am finished with that. Although I miss it already...I was really looking forward to riding it this spring(kinda hoping it wouldn't sell until I was able to ride it a bit). Oh well...I did what I was supposed to do, I guess I'll just have to get on my bicycle with my helmet on and put a playing card in the spokes so I can get the full effect.

I bought the rest of the steel for finishing the siding on the barn last week. I hope that will go up quickly and easily so we can start working on the interior soon. Maybe by late spring early summer we'll be able to have some serious hangout time in the Dilbarn...I still don't know what it will turn into, but I know we are where we are supposed to be for right now and I'm looking forward to how this journey will unfold.

Lord...thank You for not giving up on me even when I forget that everything I am and have comes from You. As the song says, "all of You is more than enough for all of me" May my life reflect the meaning in those words...