I also struggle with what exactly is being asked of me in all of this. I know that we are allowed to enjoy the things we have while here on this earth, but I believe that the call to follow Christ should be having more of an impact on how we spend our money along with our other resources, gifts and talents. We, very often, don't look much different than the family next door in the way we spend our money. The disciples and early church sold their possessions and gave it away to others as they had need. Does that really characterize us? Are we willing to get rid of our "comforts" of life to feed someone that doesn't have enough to eat? I think your last sentence is the epitome of our American capitalistic culture. We have spent the blessings intended for so many other people because we have bought into the American dream that we deserve it and have every right to get everything we could ever want. "Damn it I worked hard for it and I deserve it" runs about as counter to the kingdom of God as you can get yet we(as the church) have been blinded by this "American Dream" philosophy just as badly as the rest of the culture around us. Until we begin to understand the magnitude of the wealth we have squandered and do something about it, I don't think we will ever see people added to the kingdom daily as they were in the early church. It sounds absurd to think that a handful of people would actually sell their stuff, move in together, and share financial responsibilities so they could give more away to others in need, yet I have actually seen it happening in small pockets here and there. There are people that are actually taking this call seriously and living it out. To share with others to the point that nothing we have is actually ours is the call of the Gospel, yet we would be seen as fools in the eyes of the world for it. We are just too selfish... and I am one of the worst...