Correction...I hadn't run a race in 17 years...I think that extra year made all the difference.
I was thinking that an 8 minute mile pace would be a great pace for this. So I saw Tiffany at the race and she said she was going to try to keep at a 7 minute mile pace. I thought Scott and I would be able to gauge ourselves off of her since neither of us had a watch on. The gun fires and we're off...Tiffany takes off like a dart...I'm thinking, if that is a 7 then I'm running an 8 or worse...then we get to the first mile mark where they were calling out the times...57...58...59...7 minutes....
I don't think I have been or will ever be as happy as I was at that point to hear those two words...7 minutes...because that whole first mile I thought I was actually running an 8 minute pace which seemed ungodly fast for 8. So this point I said to Scott, "I think I can keep this up for the full race."
Then came the first water station...the guy in front of me took a cup but in the process of grabbing it he hit me with at least half of it right in the face...I didn't need that...I didn't even want any water...
So I hear the second mile time of 14:09 and I'm right on pace, just need to pick it up a little. As I approached the 3 mile mark I didn't think I was going to make it...I just kept saying to myself, "just a little longer...just a little longer..." and finally I turned the corner and saw the 3 mile mark and the finish line. My mind told my body to pick it up for the end, but I don't think my body heard...or maybe it said, "you can go to hell!" in response, it was hard to tell with all of the screaming my body was doing at that point. I then crossed the line and looked at the big clock as I did...21:46...7:01 per mile...
I thought I might fall over after I finished, but I didn't...or at least I don't remember falling over...
All in all it was...hell...something I don't think I'll do more than once a year to remind myself of why I don't like it. I think I'll just stick to my leisurely 3 mile jogs around our neighborhood
Ok, so it wasn't that fact, the longer I sit here less hellish it seemed...pretty soon I might be saying it was actually kind of fun...