Well, the extra hour after the time change didn't do any good since I went to bed an hour later than normal. It never fails...something always comes up to take up more time than normal to eat up my extra hour of sleep...
I got to see my brother in Dayton though, so that was a good thing since we only see each other a couple of times a year.
We had a great time this morning in corporate worship...people shouting, clapping, and belting out praise in response to the unmatching mercy we have been shown by the savior of the world. This morning and the preparation for it made me take a step back and really try to get my mind wrapped around the concept of what Christ did for all creation.
It was the closest our Sunday morning corporate time of worship has ever come to what I experienced at Catalyst. I think as we continue to shape and mold the ethos of our community we will continue to see this kind of natural response to the "Good News" we saw this morning...I hope our response to the incredible message of Christ continues to break though from the "ho-hum" we have relegated it to.
The rest of today has been spent as some relaxing time with family. I really have been enjoying my time with my wife and daughter. We have had a great time this afternoon and evening. In fact Macee is on my lap right now as I type playing with her "jam with elmo" guitar that has probably made it onto the list for the 5 most annoying toys of all time... but even still...I love it.
I am really beginning to enjoy this philosophy I have adopted. I am doing less and less for the "church" so I can do more and more for God. Being able to slow down...enjoy relationships...share a meal...relax with family...build friendships...otherwise known as the "abundant life" Christ talked about.
Tim Sanders at Catalyst said if we could just take the next year and demonstrate a sincere interest in just two people around us we would be amazed at the far reaching impact that would have. Especially in this culture where our common practice is to spend that year trying to get two people interested in us.
We might try to go up to another Passion concert Thursday this week up in Michigan. I hope we can make it...what a powerful time.
I got to see my brother in Dayton though, so that was a good thing since we only see each other a couple of times a year.
We had a great time this morning in corporate worship...people shouting, clapping, and belting out praise in response to the unmatching mercy we have been shown by the savior of the world. This morning and the preparation for it made me take a step back and really try to get my mind wrapped around the concept of what Christ did for all creation.
It was the closest our Sunday morning corporate time of worship has ever come to what I experienced at Catalyst. I think as we continue to shape and mold the ethos of our community we will continue to see this kind of natural response to the "Good News" we saw this morning...I hope our response to the incredible message of Christ continues to break though from the "ho-hum" we have relegated it to.
The rest of today has been spent as some relaxing time with family. I really have been enjoying my time with my wife and daughter. We have had a great time this afternoon and evening. In fact Macee is on my lap right now as I type playing with her "jam with elmo" guitar that has probably made it onto the list for the 5 most annoying toys of all time... but even still...I love it.
I am really beginning to enjoy this philosophy I have adopted. I am doing less and less for the "church" so I can do more and more for God. Being able to slow down...enjoy relationships...share a meal...relax with family...build friendships...otherwise known as the "abundant life" Christ talked about.
Tim Sanders at Catalyst said if we could just take the next year and demonstrate a sincere interest in just two people around us we would be amazed at the far reaching impact that would have. Especially in this culture where our common practice is to spend that year trying to get two people interested in us.
We might try to go up to another Passion concert Thursday this week up in Michigan. I hope we can make it...what a powerful time.