Tommy Tenney makes some convicting points about us as the church in general in his book The God Chasers,
Tenney's conviction is that we claim we know God but in reality we simply know a lot about Him. We spend most of our time seeking His hand(blessing) instead of truly seeking His face(who He really is). Have we become the pharasees that we read about in scripture?
Sometimes I am afraid we have.
We need to return to our passionate love of Christ and at all costs seek His face to find out the desires of His heart so He can reform our own desires.
Tenney says:
We do not have a lock on God because we're not married to Him yet. He is still just looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle, and we need to remember that He already left one bride at the altar and He'll leave another.
I believe that God will literally destroy the Church as we know it if He has to so He can reach the cities. He is not in love with our imperfect versions of HIs perfect Chruch; He is only out to claim the house that God built. If our foul-smelling , manmade monstrosity stands in the way of what He wants to do, then He will move our junk pile aside to reach the hungry. His heart is to reach the lost, and if He spared not His own Son to save the lost, then He won't spare us either.
He goes on to say:
The Lord spoke to me one time while I was ministering and said, 'Son, the services that I like, and the services that you like, are not the same.' I began to notice that too often we categorically design our services to be man-pleasing servies. We craft them to tickle the itching ear, and we want them to have a 'high entertainment index.' Unfotunately, these kinds of meetings have very little of our sacrificial love poured out to Him who alone deserves our praise and worship.
How convicting!!! I don't want to be characterized by the statements above, but I believe all too often in reality I am. Lord help us to know You more. Get our flesh out of the way so that we can REALLY seek you. I don't want to just say I want more of You, I want my life to reflect a true desire to know You. As Tenney says...I want to be a "God Chaser"!
Tenney's conviction is that we claim we know God but in reality we simply know a lot about Him. We spend most of our time seeking His hand(blessing) instead of truly seeking His face(who He really is). Have we become the pharasees that we read about in scripture?
Sometimes I am afraid we have.
We need to return to our passionate love of Christ and at all costs seek His face to find out the desires of His heart so He can reform our own desires.
Tenney says:
We do not have a lock on God because we're not married to Him yet. He is still just looking for a bride without spot or wrinkle, and we need to remember that He already left one bride at the altar and He'll leave another.
I believe that God will literally destroy the Church as we know it if He has to so He can reach the cities. He is not in love with our imperfect versions of HIs perfect Chruch; He is only out to claim the house that God built. If our foul-smelling , manmade monstrosity stands in the way of what He wants to do, then He will move our junk pile aside to reach the hungry. His heart is to reach the lost, and if He spared not His own Son to save the lost, then He won't spare us either.
He goes on to say:
The Lord spoke to me one time while I was ministering and said, 'Son, the services that I like, and the services that you like, are not the same.' I began to notice that too often we categorically design our services to be man-pleasing servies. We craft them to tickle the itching ear, and we want them to have a 'high entertainment index.' Unfotunately, these kinds of meetings have very little of our sacrificial love poured out to Him who alone deserves our praise and worship.
How convicting!!! I don't want to be characterized by the statements above, but I believe all too often in reality I am. Lord help us to know You more. Get our flesh out of the way so that we can REALLY seek you. I don't want to just say I want more of You, I want my life to reflect a true desire to know You. As Tenney says...I want to be a "God Chaser"!